Monday, December 21, 2009
The gym is closed
Sunday, December 13, 2009
two Sundays in a row
Sunday, December 6, 2009
workouts far and few between
Thursday, November 12, 2009

splitting of the stones My stones are now in Vernon. I haven't been training for a while now In the last couple of weeks I've moved my wife stuff and her business to Vernon also my plates , dumbbells, and most of the strongman training equipment are gone as well. so far I've moved 10,000 lbs of training equipment and I still have all the equipment in my gym plus about 750 lbs of competition plates. Today I bench for the first time since aug 23 did triples up to 295 then a 315 single I was happy with this after almost three months off benching and a low body weight of 205 Did a drop set 205x17 this was down allot last did some tris and shoulders. Now I'll wait to see how sore I'll be lol
Friday, October 23, 2009
The end of an era
Sunday, September 27, 2009
two weeks off
Sunday, September 13, 2009
anouther super sunday
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
great week
Friday, August 21, 2009
It's 1994
Friday, August 7, 2009
another hot day
great day today It was about thirty degrees out side today this makes me happy. first was 56 lbs weight for height then distance. next was the truck pull this was up hill and heavy. next was stone loading I finally got the 260 lbs stone up not once but twice. last was a 550 lbs static hold I manage 62 seconds. I stayed out of the gym for another week and felt the best I have in a while.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
back after two weeks off
Sunday, July 19, 2009
hard day
Today we started with truck and trailer pull 100 feet weight a little over 10,500 lbs Sean and Steve pulled it twice and Dallas Pat and myself went up to 12,000lbs for 50 feet saving ourselves for the rest of our training. Farmer's walk was next 300 lbs for 100' 440 for 100' 480 for 50' . tire flips next we use two tires and went head to head doing two sets of five. Last was the prowler we each did two trips. the video is of the second trips.
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009
july 15
Today was a low volume day.
frount squats worked up to 305
car deads singles up to two tens a side
farmers walk with 275 in each hand
Monday, July 13, 2009
sunday july 12
Saturday, July 11, 2009
different training this week
video is from last week.
jerks worked up to 130 kg this was better than I thought I would do.
dips and drives I did a couple of sets and bailed my wrists and elbow were screaming at this point.
seated dumbbell press worked up to 90s for 8
lastly we did a bunch of abs
frount squats up to 225/3 with 60 lbs of chain then singles up to 285 stright weight. stopped as the wrists were sore again it will take some time to get flexable again.
box squats with blue bands 185/2/4 really pauseing and relaxing the hips on the box.
speed deads dbl mini bands 235/1/7sets Steve and I did these seven sets in 5 minutes
side bends for a couple of sets
Monday, July 6, 2009
outdoor training
Thursday, July 2, 2009
car lift

Thursday, June 25, 2009
I'm out
de squats blue bands 330/2 375/2/4 375/1 hips were so tight I had to squat to a higher box
de conv deads dbl mini 225/1/6
green band leg curls 4 sets
green band standing abs 4 sets
push press 95/5 115/3 135/3 155/3 175/3 195/3 215/1
swiss bar sh press 95/10 115/8 135/6
one arm rows 110/10 120/8 130/8 140/6
swiss bar curls 95/8/3
Monday, June 22, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
bench day
2 board press up to 395/1 then a loose shirt up to 485/1
4 board cls grip 325/8 355/8 385/6
chin ups bw/8 +15 lbs/8 +25/8 +35/4
cls grip lat pulls 4 sets of 10
land mines 4 sets of 10
Monday, June 15, 2009
squat day
de deads dbl minis 2" deficit 225/1/6 sets
old log clean and press 5 reps plus 20 lbs 3 reps
band leg curls 3 sets
standing abs 3 sets
body weight is back up to 200 after this weekend I'm convinced more than ever skinny and weak is no way to go though life :-)
Saturday I went down to kamloops to hang with Sean and Dallas at their meet. Dallas did well getting second, and Sean was holding 3rd until the end. His log press is all shoulders and I think that killed is forward hold which bumped him down the in the standings next was the Harley drag which he was doing great at until both hands ripped open and he was bleeding so much he couldn't grip the bar. He did good at the stones but the two bad events in a row dropped him down to seventh . Both these guys are advancing so fast I almost don't want to train with them. lol. Actually even if I can't keep up with them they are going to motivate me to be so much stronger than I am now. The meet was great very well run, and the competitors were a great bunch of guys I can see myself doing one of these meets in the near future Oh and in the video the farmer's walk is 275 lbs in each hand 60 feet to the turn. the log press was an 11 inch log weighing 200 lbs.
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009
de squats
blue bands 310/2/3 330/2/3 285/2/2 I haven't done speed squats in months and it showed the last set at 330 turned into max effort
car deadlift (hack squat) handles at knee highth 20 reps 2" bellow the knees 15 reps
ss bar suppended gms 3 sets of six
2nd training 2 hours later
farmers walk 300/100 feet 440/100 feet 500/100 feet
tire flip 640 tire 8 flips in 90 seconds
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
last heavy day
Well I pulled conv today pulled a second attempt and didn't hurt myself so I guess I'm ready as I'm going to be. Just some deload training left. Also the wonderfull experience of making weight next week.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
last training day for the boys
Sean getting the last day of training in before his meet next weekend. This medley is one of the events that they are going to do.
I benched today worked up in my new Ginny shirt with no success the chest panel is to big I'm starting to think Ginny looked at my old measurements when I weighed 235 and my new measurements weighing 187 and thought no way. Just the chest circumference there is a difference of 5 inches. Anyway put on a katana and manage a opener. So I guess today was a success. Some deadlifts tomorrow and I'll be as ready as I'm going to be.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
heavy squating done
Sean doing a pressing medley
Squatted up 310kg today and I was happy enough with how it went. moved on to sumo deads because I really didn't want to pull conv at the meet but I couldn't even break 210 kg of the floor So I guess I'm pulling conv.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
squat day

Pics are of Sean doing 275 lbs stone to 50 " platform Dallas doing 275 to 55" and Pat doing 245 to 55" This was a huge improvement for Sean. Pat has done the 275 to the 55 before, but not today we squated first and I think he put to much into squating and didn't save enough for the stones.
Squats for me with rev minis and full gear worked up to 685 and missed 705 I lost the groove on the way down and just bailed rather than going for broke.
I took an hour break while the guys lifted stones then did conv deads singles up to 455 then 405/5 and 365/7
finished with glute ham raises
Friday, May 1, 2009
meet prep from hell continues
Wednesday was time to try and pull a deadlift my abductor is still giving me a lot of trouble. So i pulled in a modified stance as my leg can't handle full sumo. I put gear on early to try and save my leg things went good to 455 then 495 wouldn't even budge off the floor keep in mind this is in full gear straps up. Because of the Osteoarthritis I have in my low back I haven't pulled conventional in nine years so I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I'm going to pull conv next week and see which sucks worse.
Another Friday another day without a bench shirt I didn't get my shirt back from Ginny.
narrow grip bench up to an easy 345 single
next was a 44 katana I did 2oo singles with 195 different bar paths worked up to 455 to about an inch from my chest I had to stop there as my wimpy wife couldn't deadlift an more weight out of the rack. This really sucks as all my indicators (raw bench, board press ect) show that I should be mid 500s but I've had zero shirt success since January.
This week has gone so well I can hardly wait to squat tomorrow.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
apr 26
Thursday training
Jason Cook was good enough to lend me a dbl rage x . He is with the x conditioning crew here in town and competes with the gpc. Unfortunately the shirt is to small for me. I did the normal bench day narrow press up to 315 then shirt work up to 465 missed 495 twice. 5 board up to 495 then 3 board up to 365/3 and I was toast.
squat with rev minis up 640/1
hand over hand truck pull two pulls
duck walk and drag 360 lbs once
farmers walk I lifted the 500 walked 5 feet and dropped it for some reason my core was shot
Steve and I finished the day off with glute ham raises 3 sets and rev hypers 2 sets
My body weight was 186 today and the lack of body weight sure showed up on the strongman training. On a happier note I started eating more this week. and with the advice from Robert o blog I should be well on my way. Chk out bench bozo on the side bar.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
finally a couple of good ones

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Skinny and weak is no way to go through life
Well the meet prep from hell continues I got my new shirt this week and it isn't even close to fitting the arms are bigger than my shirt for when I weigh 230. I have to express it back for changes and get it back here and I only have four bench training days left. I'm still fighting with hotel and I don't have a room yet. I've had to go to a low carb diet to get the last pounds off. wha wha wha
de bench dbl minis 185/3/8 225/1 255/1 275/1
dumb incline press 70/10 100s/ 10 100s/6 100s/4
chest supported rows 210/ 10,6,4
Romanian deadlifts up to 455/5 and a back off set of 405/10
then some squats press and lat pulls all done in a giant set 6 sets of 8 in 6 min
cls grip 315/3 335/1
bench shirt 385/1 425 miss changed the new shirt for an old denim 425/1
5 board up to 465/3
4 board up to 405/ 1 ran out of gas
blast strap rows with a 3/4" chain around my shoulders 3 sets of 10
rev band squats (mini) 485/4 550/2 my right leg completely failed on the third rep still the same problem I've been fighting since January
56 lbs weight for height a bunch of singles
log clean and press I tried some singles and gave up Sean Ryan and Steve went hard at these. the guys then went to zercher squats and after doing 3 sets they decided to do a zercher deadlift as you see in the video that is 230 lbs. The one good thing this week is that the hard dieting is done I made my goal of 187 lbs.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
master's sunday
I got lots of time in this weekend watching the masters Man is Tiger a tough competitor.
Romanian deads worked up to 405/8
dumbbell squat and over head press superset with lat pulls 6 sets of 8 in 6 mins
20 min on the treadmill
cls grip bench 305/3 325/1
5 board up to 475/3
4 board up to 415/3
rage shirt, new shirt still hasn't come 405/3 425/2
lockouts 405/3 435/3 455/1
face pulls 3 sets
squats up to 585/1/3 sets
4" deficit deads new pr of 475 this breaks a record from 2000 before I hurt my low back
super yoke 540/60' three drops 540/60 full walk 600/60 1 drop
the video is my 540 and Dallas doing 600 by 120' with a set down to go back
Monday, April 6, 2009
cell phone training
Couldn't get a spotter today so I was cell phone training.
squats 400/3 465/3 520/3 520/2/2 first set at 520 the 3rd rep was slow so I just did doubles rather than using my cell phone.
sumo deads pulled an easy 495 about 10 mins after squatting and my leg held up so I was happy.
log zerchers 3 sets
calf ham glutes 3 sets
Funny Rob should post on how much I doing, when last week everything caught up to me and I only trained once. I should be back on track this week.
cls grip bench 275/3 305/1 325/1 345/1
rage shirt 395/3 425/1 445/1 465/1
chins 3 sets
the shirt I used is so big on me I put it on myself and did my first set that's big for a closed back poly. It reminded me of Don Basset when I first started competing he did that at meets all the time
Sunday, March 29, 2009
This week
I added day 4 back in this week even though I'm doing 8 1/2 hours a week of cardio. Three days a week of weights doesn't do it for me. Tuesday and Wednesday are speed and hypertrophy work.
cls grip got 315 for 3 this week and barely missed 345 single I'm back to my old bench set up as my right leg/hip will not take the extreme stretch to get a high arch.
5 board 405/3 435/3 465/3 495/1
4 board 365/3 395/3 415/3
rage bench shirt 365/3 385/3 405/3 425/1
lock out 405/3 435/3
blast strap rows bw/10/3
cls grip is lagging behind previous years board work is behind last year but ahead of 2007
squat 390/5 440/5/2 440/3
4" deficit dead lift worked up to 425/1
truck pull I'm calling it 50' felt like a mile
farmer's walk 300/100' 440/100' 440/70
The video shows me pulling and then Ryan this was his first time pulling and he did great shows how much a 100 lbs of body weight helps on truck pull. Ryan is just getting started and he is naturally strong if he stays with it he is going to be awesome at this stuff.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
sad stone day
Sunday, March 15, 2009
this week
the video here is an axle clean and press the bar is two inches in diameter and the tires do not rotate very hard to lift. the weight is 230 lbs with the two tires.
Fridays training was the same old thing I bumped up the weight where I could. My denim is so big it is useless so I tried the bigger katana again. I finally got it working good after I had Gwen cut the back out of it.
Sunday squatted 475 for 5 sets of 3
deadlift put my new suit on and pulled up to 455 with the straps down this was good for today as I still don't trust my hip and I think it was a good call as it is very tight right now
then we went out and did axle lifts followed by axle deads over hand grip I got up to 280 and Pat was the only one to get 310.
lastly I did some belt squats and rev hypers
Sunday, March 8, 2009
meet training starts
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
will spring ever come
Saturday, February 7, 2009
last post for awhile
Monday, February 2, 2009
de bench
2 board tri press with dbl minis 195/10/2 sets
rear lat pulls 3 sets of 10
cable row 1 set of 12
hammer curls super set 2sets of 10 1 set of 20
with side laterals 2 sets of 10 1 set of 20
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Skinny and weak
Well we started today out with 2" rack pulls there were a few prs today but I wasn't one of them I pull 525 which is 110 lbs off my all time best. then we went on to log lifts everyone lifted great with pat getting 245 and dallas getting 255 I got 215 but after easy cleans with 225 I couldn't press it . log floor press was next there was some great efforts put in, with the log last weight be 325. Last was the tire flip Dallas did his 30 or so reps as the rest of us worked in and out on the other side. All in all I had fun today and I am looking forward to next week off strongman training. It is very demanding training.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
last couple
DE squat with 200 lbs of chains 340/2/3 36/2/3 380/1 400/1
DE conv deadlifts dbl minis 275/1/8 sets in two minutes
glute ham raises back elevated 4.5" 4 sets of 8
band abs 4 sets
narrow bench 275/3 295/3 315/3 335/1
5 board 365/3 405/3 435/3 465/3
4 board 405/3 425/3
oldest denim shirt pulled as low as I could get it 405/1/6sets
I was training by myself today so I had to use denim. this turned out to be a good thing as Ilearned something new today. Generally if I have to much shirt I'll lift my head to touch. With my old set up this wasn't a problem but now I'm pushing my arch to make up for my lack of girth, when I lift my head I lose some arch adding almost an inch to my stroke. Also if I thighten the shirt to much with my belt I'm unable to get enough shirt to push the arch up, and if I leave some slack in the frount then the shirt wants to move up as I set up. closed back is worse than open backed. For all those who say if I wore a shirt I could lift 200 lbs more trust me we work hard to figure out how to make the most of these things.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I was going to take it easy today
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Too much ????
Some more training from Sunday.
De bench dbl minis 195/3/3 215/3/3 235/3/2
dumb tri ext 55/10/4
one arm rows 90/10 110/8 130/6 150/6 170/6 the 170 was done with the farmers walk handles this has a totally different feel to them.
plate stone lifts 90/8 I only did one set as I totally ran out of gas
so my training schedule is like this
Monday am 55 min cardio, seated calves ,rev hypers, abs all done light for rehab/ prehab
pm 45 to 60 min cutting splitting and packing firewood trust me this is training
tuesday am 45 min cardio foam roller stretching
pm upper body training
wednesday 55 min cardio tri push downs and shoulder rotations abs again light
pm firewood
thursday am 45 min cardio stretching
pm lower body training
friday am 45 min cardio seated calves, rev hypers and abs
pm heavy bench training
saturday 55 min cardio upper body rehab work depending on how I feel
pm firewood
sunday no cardio but we do 2 to 3 hours of strongman type training
Isn't life great
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Crazy Sunday
Friday, January 16, 2009
bench madness
5 board 425/3 455/3 485/2 missed the lockout on the third
4 board 385/3 415/3 435/3
katana 365/1 405/1 435/1 then 435 in a denim
lockouts 405/3 425/1 445/1 405/4
chins 4 sets of 8
shirt work was in my bigger shirt I still do not like the katana much I had a lot of trouble trying to set up my arch and the groove is higher than a denim I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to get another denim or figure out how to use the smaller katana I have
Thursday, January 15, 2009
first training of the week
I did 155 plus 200lbs of chain for 5 sets of 2 and a single with 205. Now I wait to see how my leg feels tomorrow, I pushed a bit. finished by super setting glute hams and sit ups for 4 sets of 8 good enough for a recovery week.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
tough couple of days
DE bench dbl minis 185/3/3 205/3/3 225/3/2
tri push downs 4 sets
lat pulls 4 sets
DE squat with green bands 375/2/4 I've had a sore hip flexor since the weekend and it got worse with every set
stiff leg deadlift 138/8 225/8 315/8 405/4 435/3
abs 4 sets
I was up at 2:00 am every morning this week and moving snow every night and I think my body is a little beat up I'll see how benching goes tomorrow and then next week is a recovery week anyway
Sunday, January 4, 2009
sunday happiness
Friday, January 2, 2009
bench day
5 board 375/3 415/3 445/3 475/3
4 board 375/3 395/3 415/3
old denim 405/2 425/2 445/2
lock outs 405/3 435/1 315/18
tri ext 3 sets of 8
dumbbell cleans 3 sets of 10
face pulls 3 sets of 10
a couple of good training days in a row a great way to start a new year. Now I just need to get my body weight to start dropping, I'm having a tough time this time.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
happy new year
de squat 14' box green bands 220/2 265/2 315/1 360/2/6 380/1
med stance free squat 225/6 275/6 315/6
45 deg back raise 3 sets of 8
hanging leg raises 3 sets of 8
dec 29
de bench dbl minis 175/3/3 215/3/3 235/3/2 255/1
tri ext 3 sets of 8
chins bw/10/3 bw/6
chest supported rows 225/8/3
incline curls 3 sets