Sunday, March 8, 2009

meet training starts

built a new bar this weekend ,more for strongman type training. With it I can use the same grip that some of the events have.
So meet training starts and I'm officially 40 lbs lighter than this time last year. Man is this causing me some grief. I've totally changed the way I am setting up on the bench. This is coming along and I have a shirt coming from Ginny. I'll work with the polys when I have time to figure them out. I also have to learn how to squat again. Right now if I do three squats all three will be different. No big deal just no bands this time all free squatting :-(
cls grip bench worked up to 295/3 missed 315 for 3 (got 2) I was pissed it's been years since I missed 315 blew up 335 for a single
5 board press up to 465/3
4 board 405/3/3
denim shirt 365/3 385/3 405/2 425/1 shirt is so big that pulled all way down 365 barely slowed down.
face pulls and tri push downs 3 sets of 10
no strongman training this week
squats 405/5/4
6" rack pulls 515/1 It's been 9 years since I injured my low back and the conv dead has never came back. My record from 2000 for this is 565. good thing I can pull sumo.
belt squat 4 sets of 10
45 deg back raise 4 sets of 10


Thorndike Pickledish said...

You seem to be training around your injuries and weight loss program quite well, your workouts are really good--and I see you doing your usual sensational lifting at The CPO Nationals...very entertained by the way you report the workouts and how you change a session to get the most out of the days circumstance !

Thanks again for commenting on Bench Bozo--ya know I'm more worried about my travel to my meet this weekend than I am the lifting...geez !

Dez Dez said...

Neat bar!!!