Friday, January 16, 2009

bench madness

narrow bench 315/3 345/1
5 board 425/3 455/3 485/2 missed the lockout on the third
4 board 385/3 415/3 435/3
katana 365/1 405/1 435/1 then 435 in a denim
lockouts 405/3 425/1 445/1 405/4
chins 4 sets of 8
shirt work was in my bigger shirt I still do not like the katana much I had a lot of trouble trying to set up my arch and the groove is higher than a denim I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to get another denim or figure out how to use the smaller katana I have


Dez Dez said...

I miss read first time around and thought you were complaining about my horse...

Thorndike Pickledish said...

The Katana is the BEST--if i can do well with it...than you WILL be able to "KILL" in it !! keep ??..I soon must learn the Super Katana..the one with Scarlett O'Hara cleavage (yech even for MEN) Ken Anderson sold it to me at the WABDL Worlds and said 700 oughta touch...

About the you suppose only fatsoes can use them right???

Look--I think Mike Womack invented it...and he is built like me...Tiny Meeker uses it...etc. so god...maybe your trouble with it--is you're too svelte !!

all the best