Thursday, January 8, 2009

tough couple of days

DE bench dbl minis 185/3/3 205/3/3 225/3/2
tri push downs 4 sets
lat pulls 4 sets
DE squat with green bands 375/2/4 I've had a sore hip flexor since the weekend and it got worse with every set
stiff leg deadlift 138/8 225/8 315/8 405/4 435/3
abs 4 sets
I was up at 2:00 am every morning this week and moving snow every night and I think my body is a little beat up I'll see how benching goes tomorrow and then next week is a recovery week anyway

1 comment:

Thorndike Pickledish said...

Just caught up reading your logs for the time I had missed...most are so positive--and such good training days..AND always terrific to see those vids...sorry that you now have a bit of hip glitch..hope it fades away..neat to see that this is in prep for the CPO Nationals...I feel a bit lost in my training due to not being sure of what meet I can do next...tentatively it is Pasco...but Wa. state is messed up travel wise due to weather...and still could be in March--(Snoqualmie pass)and CPO should be on my tray too..oh why can't powerlifters (you and I specifically) be born RICH !!

best of luck--really enjoy your blog/training log/report !