Sunday, March 29, 2009

This week

I added day 4 back in this week even though I'm doing 8 1/2 hours a week of cardio. Three days a week of weights doesn't do it for me. Tuesday and Wednesday are speed and hypertrophy work.


cls grip got 315 for 3 this week and barely missed 345 single I'm back to my old bench set up as my right leg/hip will not take the extreme stretch to get a high arch.

5 board 405/3 435/3 465/3 495/1

4 board 365/3 395/3 415/3

rage bench shirt 365/3 385/3 405/3 425/1

lock out 405/3 435/3

blast strap rows bw/10/3

cls grip is lagging behind previous years board work is behind last year but ahead of 2007


squat 390/5 440/5/2 440/3

4" deficit dead lift worked up to 425/1

truck pull I'm calling it 50' felt like a mile

farmer's walk 300/100' 440/100' 440/70

The video shows me pulling and then Ryan this was his first time pulling and he did great shows how much a 100 lbs of body weight helps on truck pull. Ryan is just getting started and he is naturally strong if he stays with it he is going to be awesome at this stuff.

1 comment:

Thorndike Pickledish said...

Superior workouts--how do ya do it??
--plus working at a job too!

Looks like you'll be able to win the CPO Nationals-- a separate fitness contest-a strongman --and a cinnamon roll baking contest if ya keep all this up !
wow !