I've got big balls Oh I've got big balls And they're such big balls Dirty big balls And he's got big balls And she's got big balls (But we've got the biggest balls of them all)
worked up to 455 on 2 board press
4 board tri press 315/8 345/8 375/6
chins 3 sets of 12
seated dumbell cleans 25/8/3
I'm going to switch to an eight day training cycle. I've noticed for a while now that when I train two days in a row I'm not recovered. I just hate changing the days I train.
rev band conv dead
green bands 225/6 315/4 365/2 405/1 435/1 465/1 495/1 kepted good form, good start
narrow stance squat
with dave drapper bar attachment worked up to 275 rock bottom squats
stones 5 sets of 2
glute hams 2 sets of 8
standing abs 3 sets of 10
1 comment:
Yay AC/DC!! HOw was Kamloops?
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