Sunday, July 19, 2009

hard day

Today we started with truck and trailer pull 100 feet weight a little over 10,500 lbs Sean and Steve pulled it twice and Dallas Pat and myself went up to 12,000lbs for 50 feet saving ourselves for the rest of our training. Farmer's walk was next 300 lbs for 100' 440 for 100' 480 for 50' . tire flips next we use two tires and went head to head doing two sets of five. Last was the prowler we each did two trips. the video is of the second trips.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


So I built a prowler this week. It is still in the testing stage which is why it's not finished. This has to be the most sadistic thing I've ever built. On Thursday we decided to warm up with it to see how it works. We put on 90 lbs on it we pushed it 30 feet one way and then back with the other handles. I'm not sure how many sets we did, but I was done for the night. Dallas Sean and Steve rest a long time before continuing on they did some car deads and static holds. So today after warming up on the treadmill I put a heart rate monitor on and went to try this f***ing thing again. With 20 lbs on it I marked out 80 feet and got at it. I did three trips for 240 feet per set changing handles every 80. First set heart rate was 157 second set heart rate was 164 third set it was 155 because with 40 feet left my legs and glutes were toast and I was down to a walk with 20 feet left I had to dig deep and with a bunch of screaming I finished. I hate this thing which means it's a keeper.finished the morning off with abs stretching and foam roller ect
bench up 275 delts are still shot from the viking press dropped down and did sets of 20 with 135 155 175 195.
fat bar push downs 4 sets
chin 4 sets of 12
hammer curls 2 sets of 10
That was enough we are training again tomorrow morning hopefully it stops raining

Thursday, July 16, 2009

july 15

Today was a low volume day.

frount squats worked up to 305

car deads singles up to two tens a side

farmers walk with 275 in each hand

Monday, July 13, 2009

sunday july 12

Great training day started with viking press I got up to 250 plus what ever the pipe weighs then we dropped down to 140 and did as many as we could in 90 seconds ryan got 8 sean 10 pat got 12 I got 14 and dallas got 22. next we did arm over arm truck pull first pull was for 5o feet second was for 80 feet 80 feet was tough on the grip. last we did some stones I did 3sets with 4 stones very slowly I'm getting better but I still suck compared to everyone else.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

different training this week

video is from last week.


jerks worked up to 130 kg this was better than I thought I would do.

dips and drives I did a couple of sets and bailed my wrists and elbow were screaming at this point.

seated dumbbell press worked up to 90s for 8

lastly we did a bunch of abs


frount squats up to 225/3 with 60 lbs of chain then singles up to 285 stright weight. stopped as the wrists were sore again it will take some time to get flexable again.

box squats with blue bands 185/2/4 really pauseing and relaxing the hips on the box.

speed deads dbl mini bands 235/1/7sets Steve and I did these seven sets in 5 minutes

side bends for a couple of sets

Monday, July 6, 2009

outdoor training

As you can see in the video we had great training wheather tonight We did super yoke Sean stoped at 580 Mike and I did 640 for 25 feet or so dallas did 640 for 100 feet. Then we did car deadlifts with a chevy sprint we all did 20 reps and that was enough of that. Last was stones I did my normal whimpy training. Mike got up to a 260 stone this was the first time he ever lifted them. Sean got up to a 285 20 inch stone and Dallas was the first to place the 350 20 inch stone on the the 51 inch platform.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

car lift

Built a frame for doing car deadlifts. I had some extra time this week as I've only trained once. ( recovery yeah thats it)
we did snatches I worked up to 80 kg which I thought was good since it has been 10 years since my last meet. and likly the last time I did a full snatch. went out and did tire flips. then drag the 500lbs tire around the yard. This is a tough exercise then some how we ended up having a standing long jump competion I lost Steve and Dallas both got about eight and a half feet.