Sunday, February 21, 2010


So after I posted last weeks training, despite be a little hung over I got motivated to train.Studying has come to a halt anyway. I couldn't train on Saturday so I benched today 315/2 and got crushed by 335 threw on a shirt 365/5 385/5 405/3 435/3 Moved on to hack squats with a cambered for a warm then on to the car deadlift pulled a few sets of triples then max out. lastly I did some 340lbs farmers walk

Week 2 of 3 weeks of hell

SO week two is done At school we are doing 6 amjor exams two quizes and have two assignments do in 3 weeks. Studying hours have been 11 to 16 in a day. Making training difficult and recovery even harder. The bench was back on track this week did a reasonablely easy 325 single narrow grip. rack pulls went wellon sunday then did stone loading and weight for height . moved tuesday to wednesday but I was still flat couldn't even pwr clean 225 so I fininshed with a 205 pwr clean and press. then just went through the motions for the rest of the training day. Thursday pulled 505 sumo this was the first time I pulled sumo since last may. The adductor seems to be healed so now I need to get the right leg stronger. Sn pulls and clean pulls are coming along

Thursday, February 11, 2010

this week

Well saturday was a disaster narrow grip bench 325 just crushed me went to 4 board press and couldn't even get 405 out of the rack. CNS was completely shot. Sunday did some rack pulls went 455 conv and had my normal shaking going on no muscle syncronicity at all switch to sumo and pull 525 and shut it down to let my nervous system recover. tuesday, moved the standing press up a little more did power cleans and shoulder presses Some inclines then snatch high pulls lastly hang split snatches spliting with both sides to keep a balance between sides. Today high box squats went up to 555 for a triple and then dropped to 405 for 20 some good mornings and some bugarian split squats and I was done. I'm doing lots of single leg work right now as I've got an imbalance from right to left. My traps were killing me the last couple of days It's been a long time since I've done high pulls. We've got 5 midterms in 15 days so training studying eating and once in a while sleeping is all I've been doing

Thursday, February 4, 2010

f--k yeah

So last week was nothing to write about got one solid bench workout in and one poor attempt at strongman. Basically school work buried me last week. Monday was a great upper body training day doing military press, inclines, bent over rows. Today I did bellow parallel back squats the stance was a little narrow as I was in a squat rack. I got up to a 505 single then 315/ 20 with no hip pain. I was happy with this as this was the first time since last may that I tried to back squat bellow parallel. Lately I've been doing lots of front squats and hang cleans combined with some help by a third year massage therapy student my hips are loosening up.It feels great to be training with heavier weights again. Hopefully by march I'll be back up to speed I'm not sure but I think I'm going to drop down to 198 or so. I want to compete at 198 and I don't feel like putting myself through the making weight process even though I would be much stronger at 10 to 15 lbs heavier.