Saturday, December 31, 2011

last day of the year

So I'm still here and still at it. Got through the first three months of school past some of my final exams, and got my last internship in. As I posted a while back school has been consuming my time. Half of October and all of November there was no cardio and I only trained twice a week most of the time. So with lack of training and added stress my body weight is up again. But I'm still focused on competing at ninety kgs next year. I hope to get back on track with the cardio, but I will do whatever I have to get through final exams in January and board exams in February. Through the month of December I've had some great training. I spent a couple of weeks up in Prince George and got some great squat training in with my old training partners. Mike help to fix some squat issues that I was having. Also I'm training with a nineteen year old right now who is strong and motivated. He has been pushing me hard. That is Kevin doing the farmers walk after a de bench day. So that's my up date for now. Wishing everyone a happy new year.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

school is getting in the way

So again I'm falling behind on my posting. As I am getting into my last few months of school, it is really starting to take up my time. I'm not managing my stress levels well and as a result for all practical purposes I've been off for the last two weeks. I've hit a few workouts, but maybe half of them I just bailed. I'm still hopeful to make it to the Larry Burke memorial on Nov 26 but it's not looking good. In reality my focus should be on getting through the board exams in February and then I can back to a normal life. On the up side everyone who is training with me continue to make gains and are all focusing on up coming meets, and that has made training fun.

Monday, October 17, 2011

oct 17

Strange week this week I had to miss Tuesday deadlift workout, Wednesday had a great snatch workout. Thursday we got a speed bench day in and I added full jerks after benching. I only did 80% so it went ok but I may have to switch bench and jerks around when I start to go heavier. Saturday we squatted I did ass to grass oly squats with a pause in the bottom position. Only went to 315x3 for 5 sets, then moved on to cleans and struggled hard. Again wrong order of lifts, this is a problem when I lift with powerlifters and I'm trying to throw in some oly lifts. Also my glutes and hams started getting sore a couple of hours after squatting, and today I can hardly move around. Shows how much a change in a movement pattern can effect the body. Sunday didn't do much shirted up with a loose shirt did 405 x3 for 4 sets and 425 x3 for the fifth. I was just using the weight that my training partners were using, I meant to do a bit more training but never did. I only got a couple of cardio sessions in this week and my weight is creeping up again because my diet also sucked this week. So back on track starting today.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

recovery week

So this week was a recovery week. I did a little steady state cardio mainly I study for some up coming exams. Friday I did a snatch workout and ended with trying to flip this tire. It took seven tries to stand it up twice. The video here is on Sunday after a clean and jerk training session @ 65%. I got Gwen to video me picking it up as I had been telling everyone about the new tire for next years strongman meet, I'm glad I got it on the first try. Sunday I spent an hour working on improving my arch on the bench. I posted video on Predator Barbell's Face book page, as I'm hoping to get some feed back from Clint Harwood Canada's biggest bencher. Thanksgiving is the start of the gain 10 lbs season, I know I ate way to much turkey this weekend so I'm going to have to ramp up the cardio again to try to maintain and better yet loose a little weight thru the next two and a half months

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Oct 6

New addition to the strongman tire family. This one weighs about eight hundred pounds. I am going to try and flip it on the weekend, I've lifted waist high already but that is far from turning it. Body weight is up right now, it has been a struggle with all the sitting I'm doing now that I am back in school. So I've added in some metabolic training to my week. On Monday I tried to do 50 v ups, 50 kettle bell snatches, 25 push ups,50 kb swings 50 burbies, 50 kb clean and press, 50 mountain climbers, I didn't make it in 15 min so I will allot 20 min this time and hopefully not throw up. Had a good week training hit all my numbers in the squat 385 plus heavy bands for 6 sets of 2, triceps are still giving me grieve so I'm using this time to improve my bench technique and on Tuesday I pulled a 585 sumo deadlift which was great as I haven't pulled sumo in over a year.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

sept 27 update

body weight was down to 207 last week, but I went to a coaching certification program last weekend and it turn into a alcohol induced feeding frenzy. I've avoided the scale for the last few days, but I'm back on track. So I spoke up and told the people who put on the NCCP level two technical certification that if they ran a masters division at provincials in December I would return to weightlifting and support them getting a masters division started in BC. So I guess I will have to be more consistent with my weightlifting training so I don't make an ass of myself. This also puts a little more pressure on to get my weight down by the end of November as I would like to compete at 85 kg for this meet. that means dropping at least 7 more kilos in the next 8 weeks. I will likely have to find the time to get some intervals back into my training week. As for training it will be a challenge to get better at the oly lifts and still keep the powerlifting going strong and moving towards my goal of a WPC world record at worlds in nov 2012. Should be an interesting ride

Friday, September 16, 2011

not much to report

So with being back at school life is settling in to a routine again. Not getting in the training that I was during the summer though, two weeks in and the work load has already taken up a bunch of my time. But only five and a half months to go and boards will be done. Body weight is down to 209 this week so I'm happy with that, but as usual as my body weight drops so does my bench press. I have been working on improving my arch to make up for the loss of thickness in my chest. Cardio this week has been riding back and forth to school and a couple of day on the treadmill in the morning. It is completely dark now at 5:30/ 6 am so training outside has come to a halt. Deadlifting went well on Tuesday and I'm hoping that squats on Saturday will as well, always sucks losing strength when dieting.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

sept 7-11

Not much to post this week. The week has been a recovery week and Tuesday was the last training day. Pulled a 585 on a 4" rack pull Tuesday which broke my pb by 30 lbs and doing it at a lighter body weight. I was very happy with that. The rest of the week I rode my bicycle to school and back everyday, as well as a couple of 30 min steady state morning cardio sessions. No weight training at all. I went to the gym Thursday and no one showed so I went for a motorcycle ride, Saturday went the lake and laid on the beach did manage a 35 min walk though. Today I have some people over to train Kim is going to establish an opener for bench as worlds is just a couple of weeks away. Lance and I will likely do some strongman type training. Also have a new guy dropping by so I can't look like the complete lazy bum that I've been this week. Still have kept my weight down for over three weeks now, Wednesday I will be starting a low carb diet. I was going to start on the weekend but I have exams Friday Monday and Tuesday, so I hope to go through the tough part on the weekend. This maybe a disaster I've never to worry about the mental alertness going thru the depletion phase.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

first day of school

So Sunday AM we did max effort bench off 3 board, elbows still bothering me so I just went to 425x1 raw an 545x1 shirted and call it a day did some assistance work.
steady state cardio, rehab/prehab work
5 intervals on the treadmill an 30 min steady state, rehab/prehab,
went to the lake for a few hours, then went for a 60 min walk around the neighborhood after.
Tuesday morning 50 min steady state ect
first day of school so weigh in day 212.6
So I dropped 20 lbs in ten weeks 233 to 213, that was two and a half weeks ago. I've been adding in calories since that time to try to bring my metabolism back up. I've manly been adding carbs. I was hoping to lose another 2 lbs, no matter I'm happy with this round. I will add in some more calories for another week and half and start the process over the plan is to be some where between 190 and 200 by the end of November. The closer to 190 the better as I may compete @ 85 kgs or 187 in December. @ 195 I should be at 8% bf and to get there I'll lose some muscle which makes the 190 ish possible. The plan from there is to hold this weight until June next year and compete at 82.5 kgs at the cpf nationals hopefully adding back some muscle and getting a little leaner. Then from June to worlds in November add about 10 lbs back on to compete at 90 kg without having to make weight.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Aug 31 to sept 3

So Wednesday morning Barry joined me in some early morning prowler pushing 5:45 am to be exact. As you can see from the video it's a killer, after this 25 min steady state cardio, rehab and prehab wrist elbows and shoulders. stretching and abs. Was going to train upper back but skipped after spending eight hours in my shop building a new squat rack.


steady state cardio same training routine


11 sets of jerks wrist and elbows are slowly getting better except for extension. speed bench, incline presses, seated cable rows, lat pulls.

Friday took the day off



atlas stones over a 54" bar 2 sets of 5, 2 sets of 3 with a heavier stone and 3 singles with a heavier stone. speed squats 8 sets of 2 with 385 plus green bands, 405x1 425x1 445x1 singles all were with the green bands. calf ham glutes 3sets of 8, 3 trips across the monkey bars with a set of hanging leg raises to start.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

aug 24- 30

Best part of a horse show. Just like watching a Zamboni driver.

Not a great week for my weight loss program. We left for the horse show on wednesday and got back late sunday night. During this time I ate two meals a day breakfast and LATE supper, and some junk through out the day. Once you get to the grounds you are stuck there until the day is over, depending on the number of competetors this can be 11 pm or later. Big shows will go until 2/3 in the morning and start again at 7.
Monday was a complete right off for me, I did what I had to ie putting things away, shopping ect and napped on the couch.

Today I got my morning cardio in and I'll hook up with the crew to deadlift this afternoon.

So it doesn't look like I'm going to make my weight loss goals by the first week of school, next week will tell the tale. I was still on track last wednesday morning but my week of doing everything wrong has set me back. It will still be a couple of days before my body is able to eliminate the exessive amounts of sodium I took in and be able to dump the extra water. Then I'll have a better idea where I'm at, all in all I;m happy with my results, considering I've eaten on the road every weekend this summer. I'll post my results next week.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

aug 19-23

steady state cardio rehab/prehab
power cleans, clean pulls ,green band de squats 8 sets of 2, calf ham gutes, rev hypers, heavy abs

helped team prince george at the BC strongman meet all day still got in a bench workout

complete day off

bike to stairs ran 7 sets biked home 45 minutes rehab/ prehab
full snatches and snatch pulls
went to coach @ breakaway did rotator cuff work and some biceps after coaching

steady state 1 hour while reading AP notes, rehab/ prehab
4" rack pulls, one leg leg press, leg curls, leg extentions, adductor work. went home and carried 550 farmer's walk 4 sets of 10 feet, forgot how heavy this is

Thursday, August 18, 2011

aug 13-18

went to Vancouver to visit my daughter Friday night Saturday and Sunday morning drinking and eating what ever I wanted, I actually stayed farely clean except for Saturday night.

Sunday evening
max effort bench, one arm rows, tri push downs, sled face pulls with external rotation.

treadmill incline intervals plus steady state cardio 50 mins normal rehab/prehab
snatch (sn) squats, power sn, full sn, biceps, rotator cuff work

rode bike over to stairs, 7 intervals on the stairs road home, rehab/prehab
4" conv rack pulls, ss bar upper back work, calf ham glute machine, rev hypers, sit ups
hiking 1 1/2 hours and just stretching
throwing for highland games, weight for distance, weight for height, hammer throws

prowler pushes 110 feet plus 50 lbs 8 trips, than 25 min steady state cardio rehab/prehab
mid morning
worked with Bill doing human flag as he rested I did some technique work for weight for distance. then did some core work with him
speed bench, inclines presses, jerks, triceps

Friday, August 12, 2011

aug 9th-12th

I took a walk off the beaten path on Friday. I heard this guy working as I was going up the trail and he stopped cutting when I to this spot, it took me a while to find him as he was 30/40 feet in the air.



50 min steady state cardio, abs, low back, elbow rehab, stretching


rode bicycle to the gym. At the gym did power cleans, clean pulls, deadlifts, front squats, one leg press, leg curls and extensions, road my bike home.



steady state cardio, the usual rehab/prehab work

6 sets of chins spread out when ever I got tried of studying


15 min treadmill 15 min intervals on a rowing machine 20 min on treadmill. seated rows, lat pulls, bicep curls, standing calf raises.



5 sets of intervals on the treadmill followed by 25 min steady state, the usual rehab/prehab.

Then went out and played nine holes of golf had so much fun, the two beer after didn't help my weight loss but who cares.


speed bench with dbl monster minis, smith machine incline press, unstable bar presses, pullovers, 30 min steady state cardio, stretching.


needed some avocados so I went for a walk found some trails ended up being gone for an hour.

training did 6" conv rack pulls and broke a record that has stood since 2000 when I hurt my low back, and I'm so happy that I did it while dropping weight. finished with calf ham glutes, rev hypers, st leg sit ups, and some elbow rehab

Monday, August 8, 2011

aug 7 and 8

Sunday training was very unstructured I benched with Barry then went out and threw beer keg for height, video here!/pages/Predator-barbell/181081228600351 then did power snatches lastly Gwen and went to the beach swam a little walked a little mainly just sucked in the sun.


road my bike over to these stairs, Ran up for seven trips heart rate hitting 95% rested long enough to get the heart rate down to 65% then took a around about ride home. Total training time 90 mins. I'm going to start adding in 30 mins steady state in the evening. So the weight gain on the weekend was water as I'm back on track maybe a little behind from my week of partying, still I'm down 15 lbs in 7 weeks so it's all good

Sunday, August 7, 2011

week of july 31 st

nothing much this week took the week off weight training,as felt I needed to recover from the last few weeks of training. Kept up the cardio sessions Tuesday thru Thursday, Monday the gym was closed and I spent part of my day helping my daughter move anyway. Friday I spent the day traveling back home, and Saturday the morning was spent doing yard work and such. I went to four birthday parties in eight days and this had a negative effect on my weight loss for the week. I ended the week up a couple of pounds. to much beer and cake. I'm sure some of this is water weight and one week is no big deal in the grand scheme of things. Time to get back on track today.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

week of the 24 july

50 min steady state cardio, was feeling beat up from the weekend training.
Abs, elbow rehab, stretching

steady state cardio 50 min, elbow rehab, stretching

bench press, hammer incline press, heavy shrugs, bi curls

Interval training 5 rounds followed by 20 min steady state, abs, elbow rehab, stretching

50 min steady state cardio, elbow rehab, stretching
didn’t train tonight stuff came up could use a break anyway

Shirted bench tried a dbl overkill bench shirt even thou it was to big for me I still bench 545. dips, lat pulls, pwr snatches
Did a conditioning workout where you had to mirror the person in front of you for 15 seconds then someone new came in and you lead, then rested for two rounds and went again. Crazy hard I was just gasping for air between sets.

30 min keg toss, then atlas stone training got the 260 stone today.
After this we went down to x conditioning and did back squats narrow stance, then walking lunges with a safety squat bar.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

week of july17th

Stone loading then beer keg toss, spent 2 hours training. Then Harry Potter

Intervals 2 min work 2 min recovery x 5 heart rate up to 90%, 20 min steady state hr 70% abs, elbow rehab, stretching

Steady state cardio 50 min 65/70 % heart rate elbow rehab stretching

Pm bench, triceps, chest supported rows

Intervals on treadmill 1 min work 2 min recovery 20 min steady state, abs, elbow rehab, stretching

Thursday AM
Steady state cardio 50 min elbow rehab stretching

Snatches, deadlifts, fr squats, leg extensions leg curls

1 1/2 hours training with the atlas stones The 230 stone was heavy last week just flew this week. I did a triple a dbl then 8 singles. Then headed over to the Gym and trained bench and upper back with Dallas. We had a crazzy workout so much fun. It has been great to be back up in PG and train with people want to train as hard as I do, maybe even harder. I have really missed the push from these guys

Sunday, July 17, 2011

week of 11th july

45 min cardio, Abs, back raises, rehab for the elbows. Stretching

Tuesday drove up to PG

45 min 4 intervals 2min/2min inclined treadmill Some stretching
45 min steady state cardio, abs, back raises, rehab for the elbows, stretching.
Pwr snatches, snatch pulls, fr squats, leg ext and curls, seated calves

Rowing machine intervals 1 min work 2 min recovery 4 sets 25 min steady state cardio. Bullshiting with some old training partners

Trained at X Conditioning
Heavy backs squats, good mornings, heavy abs
Prowler pushes 50 feet 3 of us taking turns 5 trips in 1 ½ min 6trips in 2 min x2

135 lbs sled drag 100 feet tire flips 50 feet wally ball 30 throws, jump rope 50 jumps, one arm snatches 5 reps per arm done in 3min 40 sec and it all most killed me. I’m going to try two rounds next week

Stones over a 52 inch bar 170 x3 200x3 230x1x5 200 miss wore out
beer keg over a 15 foot high swing set at a school for a bunch, so much fun

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

a super weekend

Saturdays powerlifting meet went great we had 16 competitors and everything went smooth. Sunday I competed in the strongman ended up 3rd of 3 in the light weight class but had so much fun. Only got video of the first two events and the battery died. after this I got a 235 lbs log press, cleaned 250 but couldn't press it. super yoke did 500lbs for 75 ft in 16.8 sec. last flipped the first two tires twice in 18 sec which was the fastest time but I couldn't get the last tire which weighed 750 lbs.

Took Monday off


raining so 45 min on the treadmill incline interval work

abs, back raises, rehab for my elbow which took a beating on Sunday

weight loss stalled a bit on the weekend as running the meets and hanging out with old friends wasn't perfect for a weight loss program, no matter as long as I get back on track.

Taking my motorbike up to PG looks like it is going to rain all the way, but I'm excited to be starting my internship

Friday, July 8, 2011


Getting ready for out meet this weekend The Okanagan Strength Weekend. With powerlifting on saturday and strongman on sunday. So today I did pwr snatches 3 reps plus a full sn squat then I did pwr cleans. In between sets I started packing up equipment for the meet. I packed out 2200 lbs of plates and bars alone. This will be most of my training this weekend as we load up the equipment set up, tear down,bring the equipment home, pick up the equipment for the strongman meet, set up, tear down, unload the equipment at home again. I'm also going to compete on sunday, more for fun than to win.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

so far this week

treadmill intervals 3.8 mph @10 incline and 2.8 mph @8 incline two minute intervals, then 20 at steady state
abs, back raises, rehab work for my elbows,stretching
axle deadlifts, atlas stones over a 54" bar, tech work for hammer throw and for weight for distance.
tuesday day
50 lbs on the prowler 120' trips x6, 4 sets of medicine ball slams, then 20 mins at steady state on the treadmill. abs, back raises, rehab for elbows, foam roller.
conv deadlifts, leg press, hamstring work, and work for external rotators

backwards sled dragging 120" x6 trips, sledge hammer work on a big tire 10 over head 1o swings to each side for 4 sets. 30 min walk up the street and back. tech work for the hammer throw and the weight for height

hill runs 4 times trying to hit 90% heart rate, did 3 three warm ups to figure it out. 30 min walk up the street. abs, back raises, rehab for elbows and stretching
this afternoon will be a standard speed bench workout with dbl minis, incline dumb presses, triceps, upper back, bicep, shoulders.

So far the weight loss is on track, I'm down 8.2 lbs in four weeks and may loss a little more by saturday. At 2 lbs per week I am comfortable that it has been mainly fat loss, and my carbs are high enough that there shouldn't have been to much water loss. I will check my progress with calipers and a measuring tape on monday next week.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Going to post my Quest to compete @ 90 kgs

So I competed at 110 kgs at last years Awpc raw worlds and again in june at the Montreal pro/am. As I approach 50 next year I think the years of being fat and happy are coming to a close. Two years ago when I dropped down to the 82.5 class it didn't go well. I think this was because I didn't give my body time to adapt to the changes in leverage due to the weight loss. For me to hold 88/89 kg I need to be single digit body fat. I'm not sure that there is anyone left reading my post as I haven't posted much since I moved to Vernon, but post helps to keep me honest and on track with my training.

Friday, June 3, 2011

6 months wow

With facebook taking up most of my posts it's been a while since I been here. Massage school has beeen kicking my ass, but I 'm doing well. Still training in fact I'm off to Montreal today for the cpf pro/am. I'll post the results when I get back. After this meet my efforts will going into the final touchs for the Okanagan strength challage july 9/10 info can be found here predatorbarbell can also be found on facebook. Not to much else to say right now.

Monday, January 24, 2011

jan 17th week

Not much happening this week. I got two cardio days in and two training days in. School is kicking the crap out of me right now.
speed bench 8/3
deadlifts pulled some reps and a couple of easy singles at the end
tri push downs and face pulls to end

narrow bench up to 315x3 345x1
5 board 435x3 465x2 495x1
4 board 406x3 435x1
shirted bench 405x3 435x3 465x2 495 crushed me
squat 13 inch box 315x3 405x2 495x1 525 crushed me
not a great week nothing like a good kick in the ass to motivate a guy. hopefully this week will go better. Still dropping some weight thats not helping either I'd like to drop another 12 lbs but already my serength is suffering.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

new plan

So already a new plan I wanted to try and go to the world masters in olympic lifting, but Monteal backed out and the meet got awarded to Cyprus. This isn't doable for me, so I'm switching gears again. I'll be getting ready for cpf nationals in may and continue with the olifting and try to do the ogopogo meet in Aug. which may be better anyway as my wrists are so sore do to my lack of flexibility.
pwr cleans 82.5x4x4
cleans was to go to 92.5 kg but at 80 my wrist hurts so bad I bailed there.
cl pulls 120x3x3
sumo deads 190x3 210x2

speed bench 8 sets of 3 with dbl minis then singled with 245 265 275 285
some push downs and lat pulls and curls to finish off

pwr snatch 50x3 60x3 65x2 70x1 72.5x1 75x1
back squat 120x3 150x3 170x3 190x3 210x3 230x2 off a 13" box
snatch pull 60x3 70x3 80x3x2
hack squat 140lbsx10 175x8 210x8
abs 4sets
narrow grip bench 315x3 335x1
5 board 405x3 435x3 465x3
4 board 405x3 425x3
shirted bench 405x3 425x3 455x3
band push downs and lat pulls to finish

Sunday, January 9, 2011

two weeks of olympic lifting

well 2nd week in and as I thought it sucks I'm very slow and my flexibility sucks. My training is wednesdays thursday saturay and sunday. So my oly weight are really low as I work on tec and flexibility.
wednesday pwr cleans 82.5 kg x4 reps x 3 sets
full cleans 90x3x5
clean pulls 115x3x3
sumo deads worked up to 200 x3
thursday speed bench dbl minis 185x3x3 205x3x3 225x3x2
some push downs and curls and called it a day I was very slow and tired today

saturday pwr snatch 50 kg x4x3
full snatch 62.5x3x4 70x1x2
snatch pull 82.5x3x3
I was going to front squat today but I'm still struggling
sunday cambered bar two board press This is one inch bellow a normal bench 330x2 I wanted 3 for a new record but it was not to be today
pwr jerk 82.5 x4x4
full jerk 90x3x5
front squat 90x3 100x3 110x3 115x3