Friday, August 7, 2009

another hot day

great day today It was about thirty degrees out side today this makes me happy. first was 56 lbs weight for height then distance. next was the truck pull this was up hill and heavy. next was stone loading I finally got the 260 lbs stone up not once but twice. last was a 550 lbs static hold I manage 62 seconds. I stayed out of the gym for another week and felt the best I have in a while.


Dez Dez said...

Thats an awesome setup for pulling trucks!!!

Dumb and dumber video is very priceless!!!

Thorndike Pickledish said...

Your training compound looks like you could take over the world with your bare hands !! there aren't any black helicopters flying overhead when you pull trucks are there?

thanks for your comment at B Bozo-I'm looking forward to the meet in OLY but I could be a bit off from my Portland strength ! (hoping not tho)