Friday, October 23, 2009

The end of an era

So today was most likely the last real training day in my home gym. It has been my home for the last seventeen years. This weekend I will start tearing it down. So many people have trained here, so many memories, personal triumph's, so many valiant efforts for the next five pounds. It will be hard to build the same atmosphere in a new place. But it is time for a new life and move I must. So come by and see me in Vernon when I get set up again. Today was a great day yet again Dallas and I did some med stance squats nothing to great accept Dallas did a drop set of 315 for 20 reps a new pr At the same time Steve and pat were pulling deads Pat pulled a pr 505 Steave was off a bit as he just got back from 4 weeks in Europe Steve did a drop set of 275 x 20 and Pat did 315x20. Dallas and I did some pulls and Dallas got a personal best 550 I haven't trained since my last post so I just coasted today. So thats it from Taz's gym (t shirt in the back ground)where no pencil neck were allowed


Thorndike Pickledish said...

Some nice pulls in the ol' gym !! looked raw too (predators underneath??)--in any event good solid power !!

I hope you have a reat time setting up a new gym in Vernon...just be careful not to end up in Mt. Vernon (Washington) those road signs can lead you astray...thanks for the kind words at B. Bozo on my meet in RENO De Janiero--whatta ya mean the airport signs can lead ME astray?

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Thorndike Pickledish said...

I think 'anonymous' has a viagra fixation...thanks for your comments at bench bozo--I actaully asked for 600 in the meet after clinching the win--but i had confused the rule--that you have to lift within 35 pounds of the record on THAT day (hah--I thought it was like class 1 or sumpin--you must HAVE lifted it sometime--nope) so I was turned down for my attempt who knows what woulda happened...but I feel fortunate anyway...
