Sunday, September 13, 2009

anouther super sunday

great training today there was seven of us today. First was weight for height I made 12 feet but kept hitting the bar at 13 feet Pat won with an easy 14 feet he cleared the bar by a foot. next was farmers walk I went 340lbs for 50feet 440 for 50 feet and 550 for 15 Pat also won this event with full walks with all three weights. next was car dead lift I got car plus 145 lbs in a conv deadlift pull and I got 185 in a hack squat lift. Mike won this the deads with the car plus 255 lbs in a conv pull. last was a log lift I got a 215 lift in and dallas won this one with a 265 steel log. I post more video on my youtube channel post at the side here.

1 comment:

Thorndike Pickledish said...

Great lifts--nice edits between lifts-lookin strong!! thanks for inspiring people to take up 'strong man'

The other day some dufus parked in an uncaring manner in my hood..I wished for an deadlift apparatus so I could move him down the street..

the only time I do the farmer walk --is with bags of groceries from IDA...whoo what a max...22 pounds a side for half a mile --ha ha !