Monday, October 17, 2011

oct 17

Strange week this week I had to miss Tuesday deadlift workout, Wednesday had a great snatch workout. Thursday we got a speed bench day in and I added full jerks after benching. I only did 80% so it went ok but I may have to switch bench and jerks around when I start to go heavier. Saturday we squatted I did ass to grass oly squats with a pause in the bottom position. Only went to 315x3 for 5 sets, then moved on to cleans and struggled hard. Again wrong order of lifts, this is a problem when I lift with powerlifters and I'm trying to throw in some oly lifts. Also my glutes and hams started getting sore a couple of hours after squatting, and today I can hardly move around. Shows how much a change in a movement pattern can effect the body. Sunday didn't do much shirted up with a loose shirt did 405 x3 for 4 sets and 425 x3 for the fifth. I was just using the weight that my training partners were using, I meant to do a bit more training but never did. I only got a couple of cardio sessions in this week and my weight is creeping up again because my diet also sucked this week. So back on track starting today.

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