Sunday, January 20, 2008

short on time

working 12 hour over time shifts this weekend so no time for cardio and a minor modification in training
cls grip bench 225/3 275/3 305/3 325/3 355/1
5 board 385/3 425/3 265/3 485/1
rage shirt 365/2 405/2 435/2 465/2 495/1
rear lat pulls 120/10 145/10 175/8 195/6
green band press downs 20, 15/2
purple band face pulls 10/3
never did get any benches to touch 465 was about an inch away on the 495 I lost focus and miss grooved it decided to shut it down it's still aways until a meet

1 comment:

Dez Dez said...

Still couldn't get it to touch... how're moms fingers? lol!!