Wednesday, January 2, 2008

good times

had way to good of a time on new years eve. I didn't get home until 3:00 am as a result no training on Tuesday.
Well I paid for my day off today
30 min cardio
2x20 seated calves
2x15 rev hypers
abs and stretching

mid morning
1 hour cutting, splitting,and piling fire wood. I have found in the past that I need to include this in my training volume as it really affects my recovery.

de squat green bands 14" box 275/2/10 341/1 385/1( reps/sets)
conv deadlift 245/8/3
calf,ham,glute raises(chg) 8/3
chg sit ups 10/3
15 min on the treadmill

dropped by to see Gibb and Mike to day at the gym they train at I didn't train with as they were benching. Had fun though, always amazes me how strong Gibb's raw lifts are. Mike's training looks like it is coming together, if he puts all his best lifts in at a meet he is going to have a huge total. well time to find some food

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