Tuesday, January 22, 2008

16 weeks out

well the plan is made and it's time to get focused

30 min tread mill
seated calves 20/2
rev hyper 15/2
abs 3 sets
one leg bridges 10/3 finally the left glute seems to be fireing correctly yeah

de squat 14" box
green bands 330/2/8 approx 390 at the bottom and 450 at the top
sumo speed deads
dbl mini 255/1/5 approx 305 at the bottom and 445 at the top
45 degree back raise 25/10 45/10 65/10
one leg standing abs 20/3
rev hypers 10/2
when I pulled heavy deads on the 12 th I thought I was slow off the floor and today proved it I was going to do 6 singles but the 5th was getting close to max effort. I got work to do


Dez Dez said...

What meet are you training for?

Tony Tomra said...

cpo nationals in Toronto. Hey Kido how is it going