Saturday, January 12, 2008

meet training

30 min tread mill
rev hypers added 35 lbs 15/2
abs 3 sets
one leg bridges 10/2

free squat 400/1 440/1 belt 485/1 briefs 550/1 600/1 suit straps down 640/1 straps down

bench 275/1 315/1 365/1 shirt 405/1 455/1 touched 485/1 515/1

sumo deadlift 365/1 405/1 belt 455/1 briefs 515/1
10 min treadmill
rev hypers 15/2
training took 2 hours and 10 mins all the top lifts were last warm ups squat and bench were easy the dead lift was a little slow. All the conditioning I did during the summer paid off as this wasn't that hard of a work out. next week is a recovery week mainly cardio and high rep train with no weight on my back.


Thorndike Pickledish said...

Hey Tony--Thanks for the comments over at bench meet training you mean you're just testing the stamina of a meet situation, to get and stay in shape for that mode--or are you going to do the BCPA Feb 10??--and Yes PLUSA is out with IPF worlds reports and Cardella on the cover...I'm told to go out and buy every NEXT issue of the mag that I can (jan 2008) cough cough..wonder what that means??

Tony Tomra said...

Yeah I'm trying some thing new here In smaller meets I very often don't feel like I'm in good enough shape to do justice to my deadlift which is not great to start with.Friday would be a max effort squat workout anyway and moving sundays bench up to saturday just gives me a little more recovery.