Tuesday, March 4, 2008

this week so far

hooked up with Gibb and mike at 24 hour fitness had a great time . I did 2" rack pulls sumo up to 545x1 then went down to 315 and did conv deads working up to 405x8 finished with some abs.
Sunday narrow bench up to 340x3 then missed 370 for1 I feel stalled on this work out so I'm going to change it up for a few weeks then get back to it for meet preparation.
DE squats blue bands 14" box 375/2/7 405/1
DE sumo + chain 315/5 315+70lbs/1 315+120/1 315+170/1 315+220/1/3
then finished with glute hams and abs
working a lot again I'm getting near the end of a 20 day stretch again I've had to adjust the training some and because I have other things that are more important to me this year I'm ok with the adjustments. we'll see what I say after the meet in may lol.

1 comment:

Dez Dez said...

You're crazy... I get whiny if I work 8 days in a row, and those are only 5-8 hour shifts!!