Saturday, March 29, 2008


This a very poor video it's my first attempt.

So today speed strength squats

2green 1 blue bands a side 155/2/5 bands 615 top 455 bottom approx

45 deg back raises 25/10 45/10 65/10 85/8/2

spread eagle sit ups 4 sets

this doesn't look like much when i put it here but it was a good amount of work for today

1 comment:

Thorndike Pickledish said...

Great seeing the bands used like that where MOST of the "Heavy" comes form imagination (tsk tsk-crazy you know)had the bar loaded to 405 or so and maybe 200 coming from bands--but your way is cool to see in action..thanks for posting the vid--and of course thanks for reading and commenting so loyally over in "Bozo" land too !