Tuesday, September 27, 2011
sept 27 update
Friday, September 16, 2011
not much to report
Sunday, September 11, 2011
sept 7-11
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
first day of school
steady state cardio, rehab/prehab work
5 intervals on the treadmill an 30 min steady state, rehab/prehab,
went to the lake for a few hours, then went for a 60 min walk around the neighborhood after.
Tuesday morning 50 min steady state ect
first day of school so weigh in day 212.6
So I dropped 20 lbs in ten weeks 233 to 213, that was two and a half weeks ago. I've been adding in calories since that time to try to bring my metabolism back up. I've manly been adding carbs. I was hoping to lose another 2 lbs, no matter I'm happy with this round. I will add in some more calories for another week and half and start the process over the plan is to be some where between 190 and 200 by the end of November. The closer to 190 the better as I may compete @ 85 kgs or 187 in December. @ 195 I should be at 8% bf and to get there I'll lose some muscle which makes the 190 ish possible. The plan from there is to hold this weight until June next year and compete at 82.5 kgs at the cpf nationals hopefully adding back some muscle and getting a little leaner. Then from June to worlds in November add about 10 lbs back on to compete at 90 kg without having to make weight.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Aug 31 to sept 3
So Wednesday morning Barry joined me in some early morning prowler pushing 5:45 am to be exact. As you can see from the video it's a killer, after this 25 min steady state cardio, rehab and prehab wrist elbows and shoulders. stretching and abs. Was going to train upper back but skipped after spending eight hours in my shop building a new squat rack.
steady state cardio same training routine
11 sets of jerks wrist and elbows are slowly getting better except for extension. speed bench, incline presses, seated cable rows, lat pulls.
Friday took the day off
atlas stones over a 54" bar 2 sets of 5, 2 sets of 3 with a heavier stone and 3 singles with a heavier stone. speed squats 8 sets of 2 with 385 plus green bands, 405x1 425x1 445x1 singles all were with the green bands. calf ham glutes 3sets of 8, 3 trips across the monkey bars with a set of hanging leg raises to start.