Thursday, February 4, 2010

f--k yeah

So last week was nothing to write about got one solid bench workout in and one poor attempt at strongman. Basically school work buried me last week. Monday was a great upper body training day doing military press, inclines, bent over rows. Today I did bellow parallel back squats the stance was a little narrow as I was in a squat rack. I got up to a 505 single then 315/ 20 with no hip pain. I was happy with this as this was the first time since last may that I tried to back squat bellow parallel. Lately I've been doing lots of front squats and hang cleans combined with some help by a third year massage therapy student my hips are loosening up.It feels great to be training with heavier weights again. Hopefully by march I'll be back up to speed I'm not sure but I think I'm going to drop down to 198 or so. I want to compete at 198 and I don't feel like putting myself through the making weight process even though I would be much stronger at 10 to 15 lbs heavier.

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