Thursday, February 11, 2010

this week

Well saturday was a disaster narrow grip bench 325 just crushed me went to 4 board press and couldn't even get 405 out of the rack. CNS was completely shot. Sunday did some rack pulls went 455 conv and had my normal shaking going on no muscle syncronicity at all switch to sumo and pull 525 and shut it down to let my nervous system recover. tuesday, moved the standing press up a little more did power cleans and shoulder presses Some inclines then snatch high pulls lastly hang split snatches spliting with both sides to keep a balance between sides. Today high box squats went up to 555 for a triple and then dropped to 405 for 20 some good mornings and some bugarian split squats and I was done. I'm doing lots of single leg work right now as I've got an imbalance from right to left. My traps were killing me the last couple of days It's been a long time since I've done high pulls. We've got 5 midterms in 15 days so training studying eating and once in a while sleeping is all I've been doing

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