Thursday, June 25, 2009
I'm out
de squats blue bands 330/2 375/2/4 375/1 hips were so tight I had to squat to a higher box
de conv deads dbl mini 225/1/6
green band leg curls 4 sets
green band standing abs 4 sets
push press 95/5 115/3 135/3 155/3 175/3 195/3 215/1
swiss bar sh press 95/10 115/8 135/6
one arm rows 110/10 120/8 130/8 140/6
swiss bar curls 95/8/3
Monday, June 22, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
bench day
2 board press up to 395/1 then a loose shirt up to 485/1
4 board cls grip 325/8 355/8 385/6
chin ups bw/8 +15 lbs/8 +25/8 +35/4
cls grip lat pulls 4 sets of 10
land mines 4 sets of 10
Monday, June 15, 2009
squat day
de deads dbl minis 2" deficit 225/1/6 sets
old log clean and press 5 reps plus 20 lbs 3 reps
band leg curls 3 sets
standing abs 3 sets
body weight is back up to 200 after this weekend I'm convinced more than ever skinny and weak is no way to go though life :-)
Saturday I went down to kamloops to hang with Sean and Dallas at their meet. Dallas did well getting second, and Sean was holding 3rd until the end. His log press is all shoulders and I think that killed is forward hold which bumped him down the in the standings next was the Harley drag which he was doing great at until both hands ripped open and he was bleeding so much he couldn't grip the bar. He did good at the stones but the two bad events in a row dropped him down to seventh . Both these guys are advancing so fast I almost don't want to train with them. lol. Actually even if I can't keep up with them they are going to motivate me to be so much stronger than I am now. The meet was great very well run, and the competitors were a great bunch of guys I can see myself doing one of these meets in the near future Oh and in the video the farmer's walk is 275 lbs in each hand 60 feet to the turn. the log press was an 11 inch log weighing 200 lbs.
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009
de squats
blue bands 310/2/3 330/2/3 285/2/2 I haven't done speed squats in months and it showed the last set at 330 turned into max effort
car deadlift (hack squat) handles at knee highth 20 reps 2" bellow the knees 15 reps
ss bar suppended gms 3 sets of six
2nd training 2 hours later
farmers walk 300/100 feet 440/100 feet 500/100 feet
tire flip 640 tire 8 flips in 90 seconds