Sunday, July 27, 2008

I hate poly

So I hate poly I lost a little more off my chest about an inch and as a result 465 hardly even slowed down to my chest ,Yeah, I didn't pull it down today but I must admit that I was disappointed. So new shirt, gain weight,or what.

narrow bench 225/3 255/3 285/1 315/1 345/1

katana shirt 375 to a 4 board 375 to a 3 board 405 to a 3 board 435 to a 2 board 465 to a 1 board 465 touch easy

one trip around the conan's wheel

I did a couple of trips yesterday to try it out the weight on it is 250 lbs easy, but learning how breath with the weight on my chest took some tries. I all so built a 11" steel log this weekend it weighs 196 lbs I have only cleaned it once after 8 tries the steel is slippery and it just spines on my chest as I try to roll it up


Thorndike Pickledish said...

Fun to watch your strongman exercises ! Terrific !
As for your shirt--you know a Katana is 'pre torqued' well--it isn't enough..if you spin the hell out of your sleeves you'll get way more pop out of the shirt..yes--your weight loss must make your shirt way too loose--if when you put this don't look like you have 'cleavage' the shirt is just too loose..still the spinning in of the sleeves --will do that for the shirt AND you'll be able to add a lot to your lift...most people dont know that you 'torque' the already torqued shirt for best results..

Tony Tomra said...

Thanks Rob, So you turn your hands out so it turns the sleeves in? also when I've tried this before on other shirts the sleeves would spin back when I started the lift, do you have to retorque for every lift?

Thorndike Pickledish said...

Spin the sleeves too, manually--and yes --giving away MY biggest secret here--torque a small amount for opener--take the shirt off only down to the elbows spin it by hand more--take your 2nd --repeat the 'half off' un shirting--spin the sleeves like mad --maybe all the way around..when you slip the shirt back over your chest you'll find the cleavage is waaaaay ridiculous--then adjust the sleeve til there is comfort..and the cleavage is STILL ridiculous--then the shirt will deliver a PR---at least it does on 'round' guys like me !