Sunday, July 20, 2008

Awesome day

Vid is of Sean pulling the car Steve lifting a 200 lbs atlas stone and Dallas with 250 in each hand for a 50' farmers walk.

Great day today we warmed up with weight for height and tire toss and moved on to the car pull. We did 4 pulls adding more e brake for each pull. On the third pull the e brake was tight enough that we only got it pulled half way. then we backed it off for a full pull. Next was the atlas stone this was the first time any of us tried to lift it. Took some time in the end we all lifted it a few times. picking it up and running is going to take some time. Last was a heavier farmer's walk . first was 200 a side I only made the turn at 50 feet. next was 220 I made 80 this time then 220 for 50' and I was done. These young guys I'm training with are getting noticeably stronger every weekend. Well we are taking next weekend off , which is great I think my poor old body needs the break.

1 comment:

Thorndike Pickledish said...

Fantastic video !! I was worried the car was going to run him over--the atlas stone lift was VERY impressive--and the farmers walk looked so fast --it verged on a Charlie Chaplin reel pace ! wow !

---good luck on your skinny Katana--I'm sure you'll love it !
next sat. I try my NEW one,same size as always,just new...will 600 touch?--fear the bar rolling over in my grip other than that --I might be close in OLY !