Friday, April 4, 2008

heavy squats

20 min cardio
glute hams 300/15/2

speed strength squats
2 green 1 blue band a side 155/2/2 185/2/3 220/1 265/1 in theory this would be 880 at the top and 720 at the bottom at any rate this was very heavy and a huge record for me
extra wide sumo 145/8 235/6 285/3 325/3 375/3 415/3
glute hams 3 sets hams were fried
glute ham bench sit ups 4 sets
taking next week off weights to recover for three weeks of circa max training. this is the first time I've taken every forth week off for recovery I don't know how the meet will be but this is the best my body has felt for years this close to a meet


Thorndike Pickledish said...

Man !! You are tearing people a new mind with these cool workouts..the truck pull and the squats and benches with bands..lot's of people do em' but you seem more consistent with your variety..reading your training log is great fun..good luck in the big WPC World records here YOU come !

Tony Tomra said...

LOL bizarre is more than likely what most are thinking, but for me I need to keep the training fun. While truck pulling isn't what most would expect in meet training it was a fit for my training because of the heavy deads and two heavy squat days I needed some thing that would train my legs with out taxing my lower back or my CNS. I could have done reps on a leg press or belt squats, but truck pulling took me outside and was more fun.
Fun is what is all about or why bother