Saturday, December 15, 2012
post worlds
So didn't have the meet I was hoping for, still managed to win my class and set a world record on the bench while battling a stomach flue. With that being said I have retired from powerlifting. I am going to try and do a body building show in june, and will try to get a highlands game comp in before the year. So far the training is going ok, very different from what my body is use to. diet is a struggle as I am use to eating what ever I want most of the time coupled with the fact that I dropped from 240 down to 205 all ready this year so continuing to watch what I am eating is getting old. The hardest thing right now for me is learning how to pose, I have never really cared what I look like and not the kind of guy to be running around in a muscle shirt so it has been difficult to make myself stand in front of a mirror and pose. I must get better because I truly suck at this. If anyone wonders why I am doing this it is because it is forcing me out of my comfort zone, and it was something I wanted to do as a youngster. If I get this done it will be completing the circle.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
last post before worlds
Friday, September 21, 2012
Sept wow
So still on my quest. It has been a crazy year. Since June I have renoed the house in Vernon to sell it (hasn't so far) bought a place in PG cheap because it should have been tore down, but after 3 months of working 12+ hours a day it is live able. All the while starting a new business and getting ready for worlds. weight has been good for a couple of months now and my lifts are slowly starting to return. It has been a challenge tring to find gear that works and figuring out how to best lift at this lighter body weight. In the past I never gave enough time to adapt and my total suffered for it. Hopefully this time will be better. I need to total 860kg to beat the world record, it has stood since 1984. i would be arrogant to think this will be easy
Sunday, June 3, 2012
june already
So the wrist is giving me trouble. but \i did get up to a 385 bench last week and 705 out for a squat. the squat made my wrist sore for a few days. So I am moving back up to PG which is part of the reason for the lack of posting, also I haven't been able to train very affectively so there hasn't been much to post. Slowly losing the bloat I gained during the last few months of school. lost a total of 23 lbs so far. 5 more and I could make weight at 198, but I may drop more than that so I can gain some weight leading up to worlds. Well that's about it for now.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Training Heavy
So training continues, I've been hitting it hard the last while. Weights are slowly moving up, getting to train outside more thats always fun. today was squatting, stones over a 56" bar, walking lunges with the ss bar, the sled dragging. nothing exciting durning the week mainly high rep body building type stuff. Start heavy high volume benching tomorrow. Thats about it for now
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
March 28
So training continues, body weight is not coming down but so far I'm ok with this. I've been following the Carb back loading diet and have dropped two and half inches off my waist and only have dropped five lbs. This is not normal for me generally one inch equals ten lbs of body weight. My strength is way up right now which is cool. I'm going to follow this for a while yet and see where I end up. On a recovery week this week after seven continues weeks of increases on my bench six rep max. At 335x6 it has never been this high in all my years of training considering that I will be 50 this year I'm the strongest I've ever been. Did an easy 725 squat a few weeks ago and next week I'm going to push it a bit harder. just my deadlift isn't moving as usual. I'm going to compete at what ever weight I'm at this summer and make a decision from that meet to decide what weight class I'll compete at for worlds in nov. The video is from yesterday I'm going to compete in the highland games provincials in june just for fun. Watching the video I see weight for distance needs a lot of work. This is such a fun break from powerlifting.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
moving on
Paulette rocking the zercher squats
So all exams are passed and I now an registered massage therapist. It is great to get my life back, even if it has mostly changed forever. Now I have to get serious about getting a business started. But more importantly meet preparations have started. Squatted an easy 725 on Saturday and pulled a 495 triple afterwards. starting to push the bench again I'm still having elbow problems, but I'm going to start moving heavier weights and see what happens. 3 board on Sunday 405x3 raw and 515x3 in an old shirt. I'm going to work up to a heavy single in a full shirted bench on Thursday and see how the elbows stand up. Now that I'm not spending my waking hours studying I'm doing more cardio, always so tough when you've taken to much time off.
Monday, March 5, 2012
march 5

So into march already. Wrote and passed the written part of the board exam. Did the oral/practical part last week, it went well but I have to wait up to three weeks for the results. So the work part of my life is on hold for just a while longer. Body weight is coming down now that school and such is done. I wanted to be training at my competitive by now but I guess that was unrealistic. Doing what is call a carb back loading diet right now, some people I know are having great results with it. For me so far it makes me gain weight, on the plus side I'm stronger than I've ever been. I've tweaked the diet to see if I can make it work a bit better for me, the science is all there for this to work. Nice that it is warming up enough to start training outside again. We squatted with this prototype spider bar on Saturday. Couple of modifications and it is working great, Lance used the finished bar on Sunday and thought it was great. Also on Sunday we started the strongman type conditioning. 3 sets of tire flips for 1 min rounds, and a couple of 110' farmer's walks with 150 lbs in each hand. I'm 12 weeks out from nationals in Waterloo so it is time to stat focusing on improving my geared lifts. I'm going to compete as a light 100 kg this meet weighing about 95 kgs. this should give me a good idea what I'll have to work on for worlds in November. I'm planning to make weight from 95 kgs to compete at 90.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
time is flying

Wow it almost the middle of Feb all ready. I have sucked at posting, well in another two weeks board exams will be done. I've all ready graduated from massage school so just this last hurtle. Training is going awesome right now I've been breaking records all most weekly. A big part of that is because I've bulked right up again hitting 235 last week. So I'm a long way from the 210ish that I had planned on being by now. School has had to come first and maybe I was overly optimistic about competing at 198 in June. I've decided to compete at 100 again and I have to lift pro to qualify for words in Vagus. after the meet I will decide what weight for worlds part of me right now wants to go full blown 242 so weighing about 250, before I get to old to make it worth while. Mostly post on predator barbell's facebook page these days but will try to post here a bit more, to conical my journey to this years worlds
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