Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March 28

So training continues, body weight is not coming down but so far I'm ok with this. I've been following the Carb back loading diet and have dropped two and half inches off my waist and only have dropped five lbs. This is not normal for me generally one inch equals ten lbs of body weight. My strength is way up right now which is cool. I'm going to follow this for a while yet and see where I end up. On a recovery week this week after seven continues weeks of increases on my bench six rep max. At 335x6 it has never been this high in all my years of training considering that I will be 50 this year I'm the strongest I've ever been. Did an easy 725 squat a few weeks ago and next week I'm going to push it a bit harder. just my deadlift isn't moving as usual. I'm going to compete at what ever weight I'm at this summer and make a decision from that meet to decide what weight class I'll compete at for worlds in nov. The video is from yesterday I'm going to compete in the highland games provincials in june just for fun. Watching the video I see weight for distance needs a lot of work. This is such a fun break from powerlifting.


cam said...

Sounds like your training is going great Tony! Keep it up.

Tony Tomra said...

Thanks Cam plugging away at it