So into march already. Wrote and passed the written part of the board exam. Did the oral/practical part last week, it went well but I have to wait up to three weeks for the results. So the work part of my life is on hold for just a while longer. Body weight is coming down now that school and such is done. I wanted to be training at my competitive by now but I guess that was unrealistic. Doing what is call a carb back loading diet right now, some people I know are having great results with it. For me so far it makes me gain weight, on the plus side I'm stronger than I've ever been. I've tweaked the diet to see if I can make it work a bit better for me, the science is all there for this to work. Nice that it is warming up enough to start training outside again. We squatted with this prototype spider bar on Saturday. Couple of modifications and it is working great, Lance used the finished bar on Sunday and thought it was great. Also on Sunday we started the strongman type conditioning. 3 sets of tire flips for 1 min rounds, and a couple of 110' farmer's walks with 150 lbs in each hand. I'm 12 weeks out from nationals in Waterloo so it is time to stat focusing on improving my geared lifts. I'm going to compete as a light 100 kg this meet weighing about 95 kgs. this should give me a good idea what I'll have to work on for worlds in November. I'm planning to make weight from 95 kgs to compete at 90.
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