Monday, May 18, 2009
last heavy day
Well I pulled conv today pulled a second attempt and didn't hurt myself so I guess I'm ready as I'm going to be. Just some deload training left. Also the wonderfull experience of making weight next week.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
last training day for the boys
Sean getting the last day of training in before his meet next weekend. This medley is one of the events that they are going to do.
I benched today worked up in my new Ginny shirt with no success the chest panel is to big I'm starting to think Ginny looked at my old measurements when I weighed 235 and my new measurements weighing 187 and thought no way. Just the chest circumference there is a difference of 5 inches. Anyway put on a katana and manage a opener. So I guess today was a success. Some deadlifts tomorrow and I'll be as ready as I'm going to be.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
heavy squating done
Sean doing a pressing medley
Squatted up 310kg today and I was happy enough with how it went. moved on to sumo deads because I really didn't want to pull conv at the meet but I couldn't even break 210 kg of the floor So I guess I'm pulling conv.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
squat day

Pics are of Sean doing 275 lbs stone to 50 " platform Dallas doing 275 to 55" and Pat doing 245 to 55" This was a huge improvement for Sean. Pat has done the 275 to the 55 before, but not today we squated first and I think he put to much into squating and didn't save enough for the stones.
Squats for me with rev minis and full gear worked up to 685 and missed 705 I lost the groove on the way down and just bailed rather than going for broke.
I took an hour break while the guys lifted stones then did conv deads singles up to 455 then 405/5 and 365/7
finished with glute ham raises
Friday, May 1, 2009
meet prep from hell continues
Wednesday was time to try and pull a deadlift my abductor is still giving me a lot of trouble. So i pulled in a modified stance as my leg can't handle full sumo. I put gear on early to try and save my leg things went good to 455 then 495 wouldn't even budge off the floor keep in mind this is in full gear straps up. Because of the Osteoarthritis I have in my low back I haven't pulled conventional in nine years so I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I'm going to pull conv next week and see which sucks worse.
Another Friday another day without a bench shirt I didn't get my shirt back from Ginny.
narrow grip bench up to an easy 345 single
next was a 44 katana I did 2oo singles with 195 different bar paths worked up to 455 to about an inch from my chest I had to stop there as my wimpy wife couldn't deadlift an more weight out of the rack. This really sucks as all my indicators (raw bench, board press ect) show that I should be mid 500s but I've had zero shirt success since January.
This week has gone so well I can hardly wait to squat tomorrow.