Sunday, December 21, 2008

My old buddy

I dug out my old friend an old VHS video recorder it's a monster. It has shot thousands of hours of training. It took about three sets today to find what has been happening to my deadlift. It's funny how what a person thinks is happening and what is happening is sometimes two different things.
last day of recovery week
sumo deads 375/1/5 sets this took awhile as I had to check each lift the last 3 were perfect.
arch back gms with green bands 95/15 115/15 135/15
glute hams 3 sets of 10
spread eagle situps 2 sets

bench raw up to 355 single I was going to do reps but I had no gas to do it
old denim 375/2 405/2 425/2 at this body weight it is huge on me next month I'm ordering a new shirt from Ginny
cable rows 3 sets of 10

1 comment:

Thorndike Pickledish said...

Thanks for the comment over on "BOZO"
looks like buying the plane ticket to the CPO Nationals has you in high gear with your goals...the VHS idea is a good one...of course can access the digital more easily..

I don't look at my old 80's meets on VHS anymore...I simply don't recognize the "Columbo" like creature stuffed into my Champion suit trying to look like Elvis meets Frank Zane (not succeeding of course)
Happy Holidays ! Tony --I hope to ruminate on the CPO nats soon to see if I'm able to afford it...I'm only half of the London Drugs ads any more (voice)

(gig is shared by ME and some younger sounding guy now)