Sunday, March 28, 2010

fat and happy

those of you who follow my blog may remember when it was called fat and happy Well the weight is slowly creeping back up and my lifts are going back up. On monday I worked up to a 405 three board press Wednesday I worked up to a 110 kg power clean then after some clean pulls I got a 455 conv dead lift which sucks. On saturday I did overhead presses with field stones I went up to a 70kg stone for 1 clean and 5 presses. next was log press went up to 180 x3 with the small log then went to the heavy log which is 195 for a double then 215 which was a struggle I didn't fully commit to the clean so I had to do it twice and barely got the press. This log is a bear, the handles are 4 inchs wider than the small and it is so much harded. Sunday started with 56lbs weight for height then 4 sets of 5 for tire flip with my bigger tire the extra body weight seems to help. next farmer's walk 300lbs for 100 feet 440 for 60 then 40 feet and on the video 500 for 25, I am so out of shape last was stones four stones the first time then 3 the next I was out of gas. I was thinking of going to abbotsford in may but I think I'm a little to far out of shape.

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