Wednesday, November 5, 2008

mon/ wed

bench 255/3 290/3 325/3
dumbbell incline press 110/10/5/2
pwr sn hang above 135/3 145/3 145/3
chins bw 10 +20/3 +30/3 +40/3
rev grip p
pull downs super set with tri press downs 3 sets of 10
hammer curls super set with hang leg raises 3 sets of 10
18 min interval on bike
video is from sunday also forgot to mention that sean and steve both lifted the car for the first time on sunday

tuesday 22 min interval and 22 min steady pace on treadmill


med stance squats 315/3 365/3 405/3

conv deads 315/3 365/3 405/3

glute ham raises super set with weighted sit ups 3 sets of 8

15 min steady pace on tread mill

My quad strength sucks right now

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