So I surely no reads this anymore as I have hardly posted this year. Weight is down I didn't think I would ever get it down but I did in the end. from 240 in march to 209 today. the video is a 730 squat from last week, this week 675 warmup missed the video of730 opener camera man was more worried about calling depth than making sure the camera was going squat was good and the last squat is 760. I cut it a bit mainly because I would never do a second attempt this close to a meet. But it has been a long hard road this time. I took most of the weight off quickly so that I would have more time to train at the weight closer to my comp weight. This had kicked the crap out of my strength. By the end of July with the strength loss and the change in body mechanics I was struggling with 585 in the squat couldn't pull 495 deadlift and raw bench was way down as well. Got a shirted bench day to get in this week and in 13 days I will know if the hard work has paid off. This will be my last powerlifting meet equipped for sure I might do a raw but I will have to wait and see. I have advanced osteoarthritis in my elbows and with the lack of joint space can no longer straighten my arms, heavy benching is not going to make this any better.