Wow it almost the middle of Feb all ready. I have sucked at posting, well in another two weeks board exams will be done. I've all ready graduated from massage school so just this last hurtle. Training is going awesome right now I've been breaking records all most weekly. A big part of that is because I've bulked right up again hitting 235 last week. So I'm a long way from the 210ish that I had planned on being by now. School has had to come first and maybe I was overly optimistic about competing at 198 in June. I've decided to compete at 100 again and I have to lift pro to qualify for words in Vagus. after the meet I will decide what weight for worlds part of me right now wants to go full blown 242 so weighing about 250, before I get to old to make it worth while. Mostly post on predator barbell's facebook page these days but will try to post here a bit more, to conical my journey to this years worlds