Friday, November 7, 2008


seated shoulder press 165/3 195/3 215/3
push press 135/3 165/3 195/3/2sets weight is easy but I'm still having problems racking the weight due to poor flexibility
one arm rows 160/12 160/8 160/6
side laterals run the rack up from 20lbs to 40 then down from 40 to 15 lbs
super set standing cable abs and seated dumbbell cleans 3 sets of 8
19 min intervals on the tread mill

1 comment:

Thorndike Pickledish said...

Hey Tony Thanks for your message on my blog !

I had fun catching up with your videos here !
the walk with the weight was almost Chaplinesque as the feet went flying so fast--and then dragging and power it takes !! Your team is waaay impressive !

also like the truck pull and pressing video--the contraption you've built for presses is cool !

neat inspiring stuff as usual--well--also fun as hell !

I'll try to win one for Canada in Vegas on Wednesday !