Sunday, February 15, 2009

will spring ever come

Well I was sick again this week which is more than likely why Saturdays training sucked so bad. I've had to change my training up, and one of the things I've almost cut out is the strongman stuff until I can stop my diet and start eating a bit more. today was chest day for me nothing exciting. The guys did some farmers walk up the hall and back which was almost an obstacle coarse. Then they did some farmer deads for triples with a thirty sec hold after the third. next was good mornings from chains. and last they did crucifix hold I might have participated a little.but I can't say as my wife may read

1 comment:

Thorndike Pickledish said...

Wow --some gym--and i thought my pal Nancy had a complete set up--anyway I hope you feel well soon and the training bounces right back to normal and beyond--thanks for always checking out my stuff over at "Bozo"